Yoga Field Day

Past Retreat


January 21sts, 2024 | Yoga Field Day ♡

The Narwhals’ One Day Retreat in the heart of Solana Beach ~ a special offering of love for our friends, neighbors and community. Photography by Kristina Davini.

Yoga Field Day 🏐 Sunday, 1/21/24

Sunday, 1/21, 10 am - 2 pm

Solana Beach (address given after registration)


Registration (link below)

$135 in advance

$150 day of event

To register, Venmo $135 here. Or, click the link below. Registration on the day of the event is $150.

Join us for a community afternoon of calling forth your New Year’s intentions, moving your body, freeing your spirit, shopping, lunch and connection.

The afternoon will include…

  • Practice!

  • Dharma Talks ~ Epigenetics & Calling Forth Your Intention with The Narwhal | Card Reading with The Matt Powers

  • Posture Clinic

  • Lunch, tea ritual, connection, journaling

  • Add on ~

    • Card Readings (please inquire to sign up)

    • Massage, bodywork

    • Shopping

The afternoon will begin with an icebreaker and a body + mind freeing exercise, followed by an all-levels vinyasa flow building strength and flexibility. Liberate next with a rejuvenating breathwork session that will open your lungs and strengthen your respiratory system. Drift for a moment in a clearing Sound Healing bubble bath. After this, deep-dive in a Posture Clinic workshop, where you’ll uplevel your favorite yoga poses with safe and optimal alignment. Gain a toolbox to deepen your practice.. Dharma Talks, lunch, shopping and connection are all part of the day!

Get focused, inspired and on-track for the New Year. Face your fears, choose new beliefs, call in your heart’s intentions. Turn toward activities, starting today, that make you stronger, more resilient, greater. It is time for new horizons and an upleveled baseline. Be encouraged. Expand into love, courage and trust.

Accept, surrender, open, ascend.

Let’s do it together! Shop, get a massage, a card reading, beautiful new piece of jewelry and hang with the raddest yogi crew ever.

To register:

Click the link below. This will take you to Brooke Welty’s Venmo page. Submit $135 to register in advance. Registration on the day-of is $150.